
Here is a selection of research-through-design projects that reflect my longstanding interest in experiences of our designed worlds and their ethical dimensions.

Design Methods for Critical Digital Health Studies

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I currently lead INTUIT: Interaction Design for Trusted Sharing of Personal Health Data to Live Well with HIV’, an EPSRC-funded, interdisciplinary research project. Interaction designers are working with academic clinicians, ethicists, social scientists and computer scientists to understand the barriers that people with HIV have about collecting data about their health and well being, and sharing this data with others, including healthcare providers and peers. A critical investigation of existing mobile health products and services reveals a gap between what end users need and desire, and what is currently provided. We are using ‘co-creative’ methods to work with end-users in the design process, envisioning and evaluating prototypes that address psychosocial needs faced with self-managing (and ageing with) a long-term condition that remains highly stigmatised in society.

The above figure depicts an open-spread from a diary designed for a longitudinal study about the self-care routines of people living with HIV, developed with Dr Caroline Claisse, and Bakita Kasadha.

to develop and evaluate new digital tools to support the routine self-management of HIV, in order to live and age well.
